Photo taken from an angle of a couple standing on Lincoln Park's colorful tiled steps


在贝博体彩app的里士满和日落社区, 你会发现各种有趣和令人兴奋的景点. 以下是我们的最爱.


1096 Point Lobos Ave.

Jutting out on a rock above the roaring Pacific Ocean sits the Camera Obscura, 1946年的历史地标和现在的相机.It is the only remaining structure from Playland at the Beach, the former seaside amusement park. The giant camera offers a 360° panoramic view of the ocean in pastel colors. Enter the darkened room and watch mirrors project live images of the surrounding views. 一个完整的旋转大约需要6分钟. 门票为成人3美元,老人和儿童2美元. 它每天上午11点开始营业.m. to 5 p.m., weather permitting.

Decorative Steps

Hidden Garden Steps

16th Ave. & Kirkham St.

Gather at 16th Avenue and Kirkham in the Sunset to admire the beauty of the Hidden Garden Steps. 这种风格异想天开,色彩丰富, 灵感来自周围的环境, including insects, animals, flowers, and trees.

Lincoln Park Steps

California St. & 32nd Ave. 

里士满的林肯公园台阶反映了一种美术风格, 令人印象深刻, fan-like, colorful design. Unveiled in 2015, this photo-ready spot depicts blooming fruit trees and a golden sunrise in five separate panels.


16th Ave. & Moraga St.

这个12层的楼梯将艺术和自然结合在一起, 以海洋生物为特色的欢迎风格, flowers, plants, and birds. Gaze at the starry silvery moon mosaic design and a grand sunburst at the top.

Golf Courses


34th Ave. & Clement St.

The 林肯公园高尔夫球场 in San Francisco’s Richmond District is an 18-hole municipal golf course known for its stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and the Golden Gate Bridge. 从第七球道开始, 玩家可以看到城市的天际线, while the 16th to 18th greens are known as the toughest finishing holes. Green fees range from $15 to $52, with reservations recommended on weekends. 贝博体彩app的高尔夫球场从日出到日落都开放.

Presidio Golf Course

300 Finley Rd.

The Presidio Golf Course is recognized as one of the nation’s premier public courses for its challenging play and well-manicured greens. 第四个洞是他们标志性的三杆洞, 用一个高架的发球台, 第15洞可以看到苏特罗塔的美景. 绿化费从49美元到150美元不等.

TPC Harding Park 

99 Harding Rd.

Surrounded by picturesque Lake Merced, TPC Harding Park hosted the 2020 PGA Championship in May. Adored for its beautiful lakeside location, their signature hole is the 18th for its exciting finish. Operating since 1925, TPC Harding Park also offers the Fleming 9, an executive nine-hole course. 果岭费从19美元到200美元不等.

除了贝博体彩app卓越的公共高尔夫球场, 在伦敦金融城还有其他豪华的私人俱乐部, 包括奥林匹克俱乐部和贝博体彩app高尔夫俱乐部, 欢迎由一名现任成员陪同的客人.


Legion of Honor 

100 34th Ave.

位于Lands End公园内的是令人惊叹的荣誉军团, 在新古典主义建筑中展示欧洲艺术的庄严的博物馆, sculptures, and ancient art. The museum was built to house the greatest collection of Auguste Rodin's sculptures. A hallmark piece of the collection is Claude Monet’s “Water Lilies” (ca. 1914-1917). 管风琴音乐会全年每周六下午4点举行.m. in the main gallery. 博物馆周二至周日上午9:30开放.m. to 5:15 p.m. Admission varies from $6 to $15 and a ticket to the Legion of Honor gets you same-day free admission to the de Young Museum.


The Presidio

在贝博体彩app要塞有无限的可能性. 全国文化楷模, educational, historical, and natural spaces, the Presidio offers opportunities to explore an array of activities that unite to educate and inspire. 位于国家公园内的遗产遗址, 前陆军邮局是一个集徒步旅行为一体的目的地, art, and cultural events.

One of the many ways to enjoy the outdoors in the Presidio is by exploring its 24 miles of trails. Go on a three-mile self-guided tour of the Presidio's outdoor art gallery, a collection of Andy Goldsworthy's sculptural installations made entirely from the Presidio's own natural materials.

Visitors are welcome to picnic along the Main Parade Ground and enjoy lawn games, free entertainment, 在普雷西迪奥野餐会上还有更多.

室内也有很多值得探索的地方. The Officers’ Club is a combination museum and cultural events center with many events free of charge. Head over to the 华特迪士尼家庭博物馆 to see the life and legacy of Walt Disney come to life through his early drawings, cartoons, rare footage, and much more. There are many free activities in the Presidio, including the scavenger hunt.

在Presidio游客中心停留,每天上午10点开放.m. to 5 p.m.,索取地图及更多资料. 普雷西迪奥很容易通过总统班车到达, a free shuttle between downtown San Francisco's Embarcadero and the Presidio. 



One Loraine Ct.

在里士满一条安静的街道上坐落着一个骨灰龛, 一颗隐藏的历史瑰宝, art, and architecture. 这里长眠着著名的贝博体彩app人的遗体, including Carlos Santana’s father; Chet Helms, considered by many the father of the Summer of Love; the Brown Twins, Marian and Vivian; and even Harvey Milk rested here for a time before his family scattered his ashes. Opened in 1898, the Columbarium stands out for its Neoclassical architecture and magnificent stained glass panels. The rooms on the first floor are named after Greek winds and the second floor after constellations. Ask to see the third floor that encircles the magnificent dome of the Columbarium. 灵灰安置所由平日上午九时起免费开放予公众参观.m. to 5 p.m. 周末从早上10点开始.m. to 3 p.m.

San Francisco Zoo 

Sloat Blvd. & Great Highway

前往贝博体彩app动物园,体验一下野生的一面. 热门景点是非洲大草原, the Lemur Forest, 澳大利亚内陆, 还有儿童动物园. 走近类人猿通道和灰熊峡谷. 动物园每天上午10点开放.m. to 4 p.m.门票从12美元起.50 to $23.


Stern Grove 

19th Ave. & Sloat Blvd.

日落区一块33英亩的土地, 斯特恩格罗夫是一个深受喜爱的城市公园,吸引着人们去散步, jog, bike, picnic, 享受孤独. 这里也是遛狗者的圣地. A free summer concert series on an outdoor stage attracts throngs for the Stern Grove Festival, now in its 83rd year. The terrain is flat within Stern Grove and the park is open daily to enjoy from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Charles Rubinoff
Charles Rubinoff

查尔斯是贝博体彩app旅游公司的设计总监.  来自洛杉矶, he’s been happy to call San Francisco home for over seven years and enjoys sharing the beautiful views with Karl the Fog. 办公室之外, 他喜欢看看新开的餐馆, 去看朋克摇滚演出, and spending time on trails of dirt or snow with his family and Labrador Retriever, Cala.